
I am Nizam

Student of Batch 07

Module 50 Practice

Video 50-1 Module Introduction, site resources, figma

Video 50-2 Header Component, logo position, set nav menu

Video 50-3 Shop Component Layout, load data and set state

Video 50-4 Product Component, component layout, display data

Video 50-5 Style Product Cart, style debug and button position

Video 50-6 (advanced) set eventhandler, pass eventhandler to child

Video 50-7 (advanced) Cart state setup, react-fontawesome, display icon

Video 50-8 Module summary and deploy to surge or netlify


Q1: What is the purpose of the key prop used in react?
Ans: It can efficiently identify the changes in virtual dom

Q2: How will you import useState in React?
Ans: import{useState} from 'react'

Q3: const [count, setCount] =useState(0) What should you do to increase the count state?
Ans: setCount(count+1)

Q4: Can we pass a function through props?
Ans: Yes

Q5: If A and B are siblings of components that share a common state, where should you declare the state?
Ans: In their parent Component

Q6: What does the package.json file do? (Search on Google Mama)
Ans: It records important metadata about a project

Q7: Which is the correct way to call the function inside a button in React? const handleAdd = ( item ) => { console.log(item) }
Ans: < button onClick={() => handleAdd(item)}> < /button>

Q8: How will you set a clickhandler on a Button using React? <button ________= {handleClick}>Click me</button>
Ans: onClick

Q9: Where can we call react hooks?
Ans: At the top level of React function.

Q10:What is react?
Ans: A JavaScript Library

The End

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