Module-49 Practice Session

Video 49-1 Module Introduction npm overview

Video 49-2 What is JSX, React Component, babel transpiler

Video 49-3 Components and how props works, unidirectional data flow

Video 49-4 (advanced) How states works, asynchronous, console state

Video 49-5 How React Hook works, send state via props , props vs state

Video 49-6 What is React, when to use it, react vs angular vs vue

Video 49-7 virtual dom, diff algorithm, Component lifecycle and rerender

Video 49-8 Module Summary, recap and interview questions


Q1: Which one is true?
Ans: React uses one-way data-binding

Q2: What is npm?
Ans: Node Package Manager

Q3: What is a Stateful component?
Ans: A component that has state

Q4: Which one is not true?
Ans: React elements are mutable. Once you create an element, you can change its children or Attributes

Q5: Which algorithm React is used to compare dom?
Ans: Diff Algorithm

Q6: Which one is not true?
Ans: A key is a special object you need to include when creating a single element.

Q7: What is Babel?(search on google)
Ans: JavaScript Compiler

Q8: In a company starting salary is 20000? And based on performance it may change? Now in terms of react what will you do? (is it simple than you think)
Ans: const[salary, setSalary] = useState(20000);

Q9: Which one is true for React?
Ans: React uses virtual dom to make rerender efficient.

Module 49.5

Video 49_5-1 Module Introduction ES6 Modules simple import, export

Video 49_5-2 ES6 Modules, import default, relative path

Video 49_5-3 Create and Load Fake data, json generator, online api

Video 49_5-4 How to Create Event handler with parameters

Video 49_5-5 Intro to Local storage to store data just one item

Video 49_5-5 Intro to Local storage to store data just one item

Video 49_5-7 Remove data to the local storage and delete shopping cart

Video 49_5-8 Module Summary and simple intro to array reduce