Module-47 Practice Session

Video 47-1 Module Introduction, Create React App, 6 core concepts

Video 47-2 JSX, Dynamic content, Dynamic Style in React

Video 47-3 Create Component, return HTML from a component

Video 47-4 Pass dynamic data to components, props in react

Video 47-5 (advanced) Create multiple components from an array of objects

Video 47-6 Concept Recap, JSX, components, props, display array of objects

Video 47-7 (advanced) State, component state hook and set state method

Video 47-8 (advanced) Load dynamic data, API call useEffect integrate state

Video 47-9 Module Summary React Core Concepts recap


Q1: React is mainly used for _______ (if needed, google it)
Ans: building User Interface

Q2: How do you declare a class called “myClass” in react?
Ans: className = "myClass"

Q3: Which method will you use in react to display components for each object in an array?
Ans: map

Q4: How will create a state with a default value “JingaLala”?
Ans: const[name, setName] = useState("Jingala");

Q5: Why can’t we declare a class with the “ class” keyword in React?
Ans: class is a reserved keyword in javaScript

Q6: What is JSX?
Ans: JavaScript XML

Q7:When creating a component in React, the first letter of that function name should be in ____
Ans: Uppercase

Q8:How would you show the singer's name in the output using React JSX? const singer = {name: “Eva Rahman”} My Favorite Singer : _____?_____
Ans: {}

Q9:What is the correct way of creating a component in react?
Ans: function Nayika(){return h3>Mousumi /h3>}

Q10:const myStyle= {backgroundColor: “hotpink”} How can you apply the above style to a div in react?
Ans: div style:={myStyle} hey React Mama, I am your Vagina /div

The End